Monday, October 13, 2008

Thank you London

Gordon Brown advocated a cash infusion ( hundreds of billions) into London banks, guaranteeing their debts, in exchange for partial ownership. "Part Nationalization" of the the financial system ! Major European economies will follow Britain's lead. And the U.S. ? We will follow it too !

Amazing !

Bernanke is believed to have been a long time advocate of this. Paul Krugman is one of "few" real geniuses silently behind it. And today, was a great day for PK, as he was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science ! Heartening and reassuring to see good things happening to good people !

Paulson .. was holding us up.

So we have made significant progress as of today. Stocks have climbed at least on this day. Perhaps what is most note worthy is that America, as a world leader, actually sought and listened to "other" expert opinion. On a very public stage we fell, fumbled and failed. Painful. Our government officials could have dug their heels in to the proverbial political sand and said swallow...we know what we are doing...and we will tell you as soon as we know... but surprisingly they made an about face, sought help, changed direction and made significant progress.

Hear hear...collaboration sometimes works...Ahh coming to the table to discuss and negotiate...that sometimes works too....even with few "pre-conditions" in place.

Do you think McCain will recognize this style of progress ? Do you think he will acknowledge what worked today ? I think not...not unless his coaches are clever enough to thank him for thinking of it first, and then explain to him what he did ... so he can share it with the world.


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